Join the Burdine Lab

Postdoctoral Opportunities

UPDATED 5/2024

If you are interested in postdoctoral research in left-right patterning and morphogenesis or in developing zebrafish model to study rare disease, please send a letter of inquiry with your CV to Dr. Burdine.  Postdoctoral candidates should indicate the area of research they hope to pursue in their letter.  Candidate should have at least one first author publication and be able to apply for external funding.

Graduate Rotation Students

UPDATED 5/2024

We are always happy to have students rotate in the laboratory. Projects are generally tailored to suit your interests or to allow you to learn new techniques. No experience in lab work or developmental biology is required.  We request only a willingness to learn and participate in the lab.

If you are interested in rotating, please contact Dr. Burdine to schedule time to talk about projects.

Undergraduate Thesis - Development Related

UPDATED 5/2024

We have projects available for interested undergraduates on left-right patterning, heart morphogenesis, or rare disease models.  The project will be developed with the interest of the student in mind. No previous laboratory experience is required.  We request only a willingness to learn and a commitment toward making suitable progress. 

Interested juniors or sophomores should contact Dr. Burdine to discuss this opportunity.