@article{85316, keywords = {Gdf3, Kupffer{\textquoteright}s vesicle, Nodal, Vg1, developmental biology, left-right patterning, mesendoderm, stem cells, Zebrafish}, author = {Jose Pelliccia and Granton Jindal and Rebecca Burdine}, title = {Gdf3 is required for robust Nodal signaling during germ layer formation and left-right patterning.}, abstract = {

Vertebrate embryonic patterning depends on signaling from Nodal, a TGFβ superfamily member. There are three Nodal orthologs in zebrafish; directs left-right asymmetries, while and function earlier to pattern mesendoderm. TGFβ member Vg1 is implicated in mesoderm formation but the role of the zebrafish ortholog, Growth differentiation factor 3 (Gdf3), has not been fully explored. We show that zygotic expression of is dispensable for embryonic development, while maternally deposited is required for mesendoderm formation and dorsal-ventral patterning. We further show that Gdf3 can affect left-right patterning at multiple stages, including proper development of regional cell morphology in Kupffer{\textquoteright}s vesicle and the establishment of expression in the lateral plate mesoderm. Collectively, our data indicate that is critical for robust Nodal signaling at multiple stages in zebrafish embryonic development.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {eLife}, volume = {6}, month = {11/2017}, issn = {2050-084X}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.28635}, language = {eng}, }